What's Current: Access to hardcore porn has resulted in an epidemic of young boys committing rape

Twitter admits that they “suck as dealing with abuse and trolls,” but apparently they’re just fine at censoring online services for women’s health.

Women are not incubators! On the anniversary of Roe v Wade, Stop Patriarchy stood up for women.

There is a new epidemic of boys under age 10 committing rape because they have access to hardcore pornography online.

Porn addict with 130,000 indecent images of girl children avoids jail time. Says judge, “You think it’s a private affair, but it isn’t, it involves young girls being abused.”

“Gagging for it”: It’s not rape if victim is drunk, claims top UK barrister.

Bryn Mawr College widens admission guidelines to encourage the applications of trans women.

Combatting street harassment in Mexico.

Susan Cox An American expatriate who fled to the wonderland of Canada, Susan Cox spends most of her time writing, reading, and cooking. Follow her @BLASFEMMEY.

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Susan Cox

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and academic living in the United States. She teaches in Philosophy.