What's Current: Netherlands lets disabled men use grants to buy sex

What would Dove’s #ChooseBeautiful Campaign look like if it were aimed at men?

Middle School Principal deems female student’s “FEMINIST” t-shirt offensive.

The Netherlands grants subsidies to disabled men to have sex with a prostitute up to 12 times a year.

How commemorative hashtag #FacesOfProstitution was hijacked by men defending their right to sexually exploit women.

Galileo’s Middle Finger” describes how scientists are being burned at the proverbial stake for saying the wrong things about “gender.”

Why prison isn’t working for women.

“Martha didn’t let anyone touch her for years, and she wasn’t about to start now.” Woman dead as a result of child sexual abuse preventing her from receiving gynecological care.

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and erstwhile academic in Philosophy. Follow her @Blasfemmey. Got tips? Email us.

Susan Cox

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and academic living in the United States. She teaches in Philosophy.