What's Current: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo orders emergency measures to protect workers at nail salons

After scathing NYT report, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo orders emergency measures to protect workers at nail salons.

UK bus company removes ads of naked woman inviting costumers to “ride me all day for £3.” Bus company claims the ads were meant to be “tongue-in-cheek,” because everyone knows that poor, desperate women, prostituted for pennies, are hilaaaarious.

We should be asking if there are some things no stranger should be asked to do, not even for money. “It’s dehumanising to be an ‘oven’ for someone else’s baby.”

Zoo Weekly promotes the abuse of women through violent sex advice for boys.

Sign the petition to remove Zoo Weekly from popular stores in Australia.

More than a quarter of young people think that “male verbal harassment” and “pressure for sex” towards females are “normal” practices.

“Torture and pornography inevitably converge.” – Excerpts from Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle, by Chris Hedges.

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and erstwhile academic in Philosophy. Follow her @Blasfemmey. Got tips? Email us.

Susan Cox

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and academic living in the United States. She teaches in Philosophy.