What’s Current: Don’t let marital rape kill your boner, Christian dudes!

Christian website advises avoiding wife’s face if she’s not into sex.

Baltimore OUTloud magazine runs opinion piece claiming that laws protecting children from pedophiles and women from campus sexual assault must be repealed, as they are an “anti-sex narrative.” Petition calls for the magazine to “retract [its] endorsement of child sexual abuse and apologize.”

The hair trade’s dirty secret. Underneath those waves of bouncy extensions, is a tale of global exploitation — just another way to harvest women’s bodies of any resource which can be monetized and extracted.

Who’s afraid of Germaine Greer. A trans woman’s perspective on who’s actually responsible for violence against trans people. (Hint: it isn’t feminists giving lectures at universities.)

These women had the best responses to tampons being considered a “luxury item.”

Jack The Ripper museum in London celebrates Halloween by inviting museum-goers to take “fun” selfies with the Ripper’s mutilated female victims.

“If we treat violence against women as a horror story, it becomes just that: a form of titillating entertainment rather than an ongoing human rights abuse on a shocking scale. Whatever the museum claims, inviting visitors to pose with Jack the Ripper next to his dead victim treats the killer as a gory celebrity and his victims as a sick joke.”


Susan Cox

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and academic living in the United States. She teaches in Philosophy.