What’s Current: Cologne police report 22 sexual assaults on the opening night of carnival

Police detain a man during the celebrations in Cologne (Getty Images)
Police detain a man during the celebrations in Cologne (Getty Images)

Yet another horrific incident of mass sexual violence in Cologne: Police reported 22 sexual assaults on the opening night of the city’s annual carnival and a female journalist is sexually assaulted by two men live on T.V.

Christopher O’Kroley confesses to murdering Wisconsin woman who “he believed … had rejected his romantic advances,” police say.

A woman crashes her own funeral, horrifying her husband, who paid to have her killed. “Surprise! I’m still alive.”

An analysis of Australian crime statistics shows an increase in child-on-child sexual abuse, and experts believe children viewing Internet porn is to blame.

Woman recalls the role porn played, in terms of “grooming,” when she was only six-years-old.

Two women in Biopharma have written an open letter asking for no more industry parties with scantily clad female models hired to be “eye candy.”

Susan Cox

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and academic living in the United States. She teaches in Philosophy.