What’s Current: Bono makes Glamour’s ‘Women of the Year’ list

Sue Lowe, Alicia Lowe, A’Driane Nieves, Jane Maynard, Bono, Diana Lamon, Mazelle Etessami, and Carrie Cohen From Left: Sue Lowe, Alicia Lowe, A’Driane Nieves, Jane Maynard, Bono, Diana Lamon, Mazelle Etessami, and Carrie Cohen (Image: Glamour/Sam Jones)
Sue Lowe, Alicia Lowe, A’Driane Nieves, Jane Maynard, Bono, Diana Lamon, Mazelle Etessami, and Carrie Cohen. (Image: Glamour/Sam Jones)

Bono makes Glamour’s “Women of the Year” list. Because honoring only women with an award meant for them is an “outdated way of looking at things.”

The National Women’s Law Center is starting to sound more like The National People’s Law Center.

Fifteen Indigenous women on the frontlines of the Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance.

Study shows the leading health risk for women is… men.

In India, Social Media platforms like Whatsapp become a tool for extending women’s rape.

“Trump has seemingly emboldened people to be blatant in their willingness to assault women.”

Susan Cox

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and academic living in the United States. She teaches in Philosophy.