What’s Current: Former UN staffer estimates that UN personnel commit thousands of rapes every year

  • Andrew MacLeod, formerly chief of operations in emergency coordination, estimates that over the last decade, UN aid workers and peacekeeping staff may have committed as many as 60,000 rapes, many involving children, and that the organization has employed over 3,000 pedophiles. Malayah Harper, formerly with UN Aids, also says that female staff within the organization are also regularly harassed or assaulted, without expectation of recourse.
  • The International Committee of the Red Cross reports that 21 employees have been dismissed for buying sex since 2015.
  • Mack Beggs, a trans-identified female teenager, has won their second state title for girls’ wrestling in Texas. Beggs has been taking supplemental testosterone as part of their transition regimen, a substance generally banned in sports.
  • Susie Green, CEO of the transgender medical activism group, Mermaids, has instigated a police investigation into a school tutor refusing to use inaccurate pronouns for a trans-identified child, calling the incident a hate crime.
  • Laura Boldrini, the highest-ranking female politician in Italy, is having to campaign for re-election from a secret location after numerous death threats from the extreme right over her women’s rights platform.
  • A new study of sexual violence reveals that 12 per cent of French women have been raped at least once.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.