Tag: Marxism

#WeAreTheLeft: The day identity politics killed identity politics

#WeAreTheLeft pic.twitter.com/nUCec4Gi25 — HR-Compliant Freddie (@freddiedeboer) July 13, 2016 Yesterday, the ongoing self-parody that is liberal feminism reached its natural pinnacle with #WeAreTheLeft. In a letter to no one in particular, a…

Marxist feminism as a critique of intersectionality

I just finished reading a fascinating critique of intersectionality by Eve Mitchell, which can be found here. I want to first go over her main argument, and then go into her proposed…

A ruling class vs. revolutionary response to prostitution

A New York Times article published on May 22nd reports on how the economic misery inflicted on Greeks has forced many into prostitution in order to survive. Here is an excerpt: With…