Tag: socialism

#WeAreTheLeft: The day identity politics killed identity politics

#WeAreTheLeft pic.twitter.com/nUCec4Gi25 — HR-Compliant Freddie (@freddiedeboer) July 13, 2016 Yesterday, the ongoing self-parody that is liberal feminism reached its natural pinnacle with #WeAreTheLeft. In a letter to no one in particular, a…

A reminder for the Left: No one is free until all women are free

On Friday, September 25th, 1200 people gathered at St. Andrew’s-Wesley United Church in Vancouver, to hear three preeminent thinkers discuss socialism, oppression, and rebellion. The event, a roaring success — packed to…

The myth of the leftist, feminist, anti-racist, elitist

In an act of what has to be acknowledged as tremendous, though in some respects entirely typical, rich famous male hubris,  Joss Whedon, of comic book and Buffy the Vampire Slayer note, recently gave a…

A ruling class vs. revolutionary response to prostitution

A New York Times article published on May 22nd reports on how the economic misery inflicted on Greeks has forced many into prostitution in order to survive. Here is an excerpt: With…

There is no feminist war on sex workers

I’ve become increasingly frustrated by what feels like a barrage of articles coming from self-described progressives claiming that feminists are the real enemy of sex workers. It seems as though some of…

Facts and science prove to be useful after all!

Generally when questioned about how sexism could POSSIBLY EXIST in this MODERN DAY AND AGE when ladies are allowed to wear PANTS and have abortions (MAYBE IF YOU’RE LUCKY) and HAVE SEX…