Meghan Murphy speaks with Daisy Kler, a member of the Vancouver Rape Relief collective, about the challenges faced by women in Canada due to race and class oppression, and the ways the left often fails to take misogyny seriously.

Meghan Murphy speaks with Daisy Kler, a member of the Vancouver Rape Relief collective, about the challenges faced by women in Canada due to race and class oppression, and the ways the left often fails to take misogyny seriously.
In two new books, Heather Brunskell-Evans and Michele Moore question the ideologies and practices that promote medical/technological “solutions” to gender, and Renate Klein analyzes the surrogacy industry as a form of exploitation of women and trafficking in babies.
Feminists should be more concerned about the way the therapy model individualizes women’s oppression and professionalizes empathy.
Radical feminism challenges us to be better than our patriarchal culture asks of us — to reject patriarchy’s glorification of control, conquest, and aggression.
Meghan Murphy speaks with Eleanor Pam about renowned feminist and author of “Sexual Politics,” Kate Millett.
Continuing a longstanding tradition, Jacobin attempts to skewer radical feminism, but misses the point entirely.
At The Establishment, Tori Truscheit asks, “How can the queerest generation ever still believe in gender roles?” If that question seems jaw-droppingly lacking in self-awareness, congratulations: you have been paying attention. If,…
Meghan Murphy speaks with British feminist activist, Finn Mackay, about her book, “Radical Feminism: Feminist Activism in Movement.”
Zoë Goodall interviews Robert Jensen about his most-recent book, “The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men.”
Alicen Grey is the writer of GYNX, a new play that tells the story of five women who join together to fight rape culture in an unconventional way.
Paris Lees’ claims that feminist ideas are “hate speech” demonstrate a deep misunderstanding of the term.
Now far in the rear view mirror, the (Bill) Clinton years seem like a turning point for contemporary social movement strategy. For that generation of young people onward, progressive politics was remade…
In Robert Jensen’s new book, The End of Patriachy: Radical Feminism for Men, he asks one question: “What do we need to create and maintain stable, decent human communities that can remain…
Feminism has suffered a significant loss in recent decades. The impact of “queer studies,” neoliberalism, and identity politics was substantial. Renowned radical feminist, Sheila Jeffreys, witnessed the move from “Women’s Studies” to…