Search Results for: liberal feminism

On #TrumpTapes, power, and liberal hypocrisy

The much-deserved backlash against Trump’s remarks from the recently published 2005 recordings is a particularly interesting one, as it has received wide condemnation from within his own party. Republicans have essentially made…

Shit liberal feminists say: Choice

On December 5th, feminists gathered at the Vancouver Public Library to commemorate a tragedy that’s become known as the Montreal Massacre. On December 6th, 1989, Marc Lépine, a poster boy for aggrieved…

Maybe what feminism needs is separatism, not inclusion

In a time where inclusion has become one of feminism’s key priorities, a founding idea has fallen particularly out of favour: separatism. The mere accusation of not being “intersectional” (something that actually…

Shit liberal feminists say: SWERF

Look at Ms. going full SWERF on us. The hell is this? — Amadi (@amaditalks) November 4, 2015 Like many feminists, my interest in women’s rights began when I started noticing…

Choice Feminism on The Talk

I don’t watch The Talk but someone on Twitter sent me a link to this segment, which aired earlier today, in which the hosts discuss a Las Vegas strip club that is…