The ‘most feminist government’ in the history of Spain abandoned women, and Sunday’s election doesn’t look like it will change things.

The ‘most feminist government’ in the history of Spain abandoned women, and Sunday’s election doesn’t look like it will change things.
Canada passed amendments to an anti-conversion therapy bill which will effectively legalize “transing away the gay.”
Feminists, lesbians, gay men, and detransitioned youth want “gender identity” removed from Bill C-6 legislation against conversation therapy.
We can support LGBT youth without criminalizing those who work to ensure minors don’t make mistakes they may regret deeply as adults.
A militant trans activism positively requires “trans children” to exist as natural figures in order to fabricate the illusion that transgender identity is apolitical.
Bill C-6 will see thousands of lives ruined — not only those of therapists and medical practitioners, but those of Canadian girls whose lives will be marked forever by this regressive, homophobic, sexist, dangerous, practice.
We seem to have reached something like the opposite of a critical mass. A critical lack, rather — wherein people are looking around and asking, “What happened to the lesbian?” As we…
A startling number of sex therapists recommend commercial pornography to patients. While it might sound surprising that trained psychologists, counsellors and sexologists prescribe porn, sex therapy, and pornography have a long and…