I don’t advocate against the sex trade because I hate prostitutes, but because I acknowledge the truth about what happens in the industry

I don’t advocate against the sex trade because I hate prostitutes, but because I acknowledge the truth about what happens in the industry
I am never relieved when evil men die. Rather, I feel angry — ripped off. Those men never got their comeuppance. Today, a king among evil men died too soon. Just 24…
How can liberal feminism celebrate the end of grid girls while continuing to argue in favour of “sex work” as an empowering choice for women?
Hello old friend, it’s been awhile. Sometimes I think a day will come when I won’t need to respond to Hollywood-fueled delusions that imagine prostituted women are all rich nymphomanics driving Benzes,…
Amnesty International has formally adopted a policy calling for the legalization of prostitution around the world. The organization’s senior director for law and policy, Tawanda Mutasah, said: “Sex workers are at heightened…
When German abolitionists talk about the situation of prostitution in Germany, we hear the same responses, over and over: “You’ve got to be kidding!” or “How is this possible?” When we do…
One of the first prostituted women I ever met told me that I had to check the johns’ penises for venereal disease before accepting their trade. Aside from the obvious herpes welts,…
In case you missed the big news, France has become the latest country to adopt the so-called Nordic Model (or, as some prefer, “Swedish Model”) of prostitution policy. This has led to…
People were turned away from a packed, standing-room only panel, addressing the impacts of various prostitution legislation around the world, on Monday afternoon. Organized by SPACE International, the parallel event, which took…
On Thursday, leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn revealed his position on prostitution to Goldsmiths university students, saying: “I don’t want people to be criminalized. I want to be [in] a…
I am full of sighs today, as one of my very fav radio hosts, Nora Young, has fallen prey to sex industry propagandists. Young, for those who don’t know (or aren’t Canadian)…
On Wednesday, November 18th, in East Vancouver, about a dozen people from the Kensington-Cedar Cottage neighbourhood attended a panel discussion called Creating John-Free communities. Panel members from Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s…
Open Letter to the Federal New Democratic Party Dear NDP Candidates: We are writing to you as feminists, progressives, and longtime supporters of the NDP. We are deeply disappointed to learn that…
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Chris Hedges, is scheduled to give the keynote speech at an upcoming conference about resource extraction at Simon Fraser University (SFU). The State of Extraction, set to take place…