Tag: liberal feminism

Who run the world? Dudes

This week over at Bust Kaleigh Wright laid out exactly how dudely your fav “feminist” media really is. The rape-porn fangirls who run The Frisky answer to CEO Stephen Blackwell and six other…

Reductio ad Phobium: Logical fallacies for today’s feminist

It’s not easy being a feminist in 2016. Your Twitter mentions are blown up regularly with the same arguments over and over again: “You’re whorephobic!” “Stop erasing me!” “Well, I’m happy in…

Shit liberal feminists say: Choice

On December 5th, feminists gathered at the Vancouver Public Library to commemorate a tragedy that’s become known as the Montreal Massacre. On December 6th, 1989, Marc Lépine, a poster boy for aggrieved…


The following contains edited excerpts from and expands upon a panel I participated in called: “Creating Alternative Platforms for Feminist Analysis,” organized by Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter as part of…

Sex tourism is sexualized imperialism

I remember the moment vividly. I was at the beach in the Dominican Republic with my sister and had just gone up to the bar to get some food when an older…

Why I no longer hate ‘TERFs’

When all else fails, call your opponents TERFs. Regardless of the subject matter of the disagreement. TERF = Witch. pic.twitter.com/x4sLBhlOZZ — Becca Reilly-Cooper (@boodleoops) November 8, 2015 I used to hate so-called…

Shit liberal feminists say: SWERF

Look at Ms. going full SWERF on us. The hell is this? https://t.co/P7J9NByhI6 — Amadi (@amaditalks) November 4, 2015 Like many feminists, my interest in women’s rights began when I started noticing…