On April 19th, the Biden Administration released new rules “broadening the scope of Title IX,” the 1972 law prohibiting sex discrimination in educational programs. The new rules add “gender identity” to the…

On April 19th, the Biden Administration released new rules “broadening the scope of Title IX,” the 1972 law prohibiting sex discrimination in educational programs. The new rules add “gender identity” to the…
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Emma Thomas, founder of the campaign group, Children of Transitioners
The “trans widow” has become one of those best able to reveal the truth about the trans trend. She is the woman who lost her husband to transgenderism, and often tells a…
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with “Tara,” a woman who was punched by a counter protester a the 1millionmarch4kids rally in Nanaimo, B.C.
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Kajsa Ekis Ekman, author of “The Meaning of Sex: Thoughts about the New Definition of Woman”
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with founder of Sex Matters, Helen Joyce, about new political developments in the UK around gender identity legislation, why women’s bathrooms matter, and her spat with Matt Walsh
In this episode, I speak with Jennifer Bilek about the millionaires funding the transgender movement and what they aim to accomplish
In this episode, Meghan Murphys speaks with two activists fighting to keep male inmates out of women’s prisons
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Andrea Heinz and Kathy King, authors of, “When Men Buy Sex: Who Really Pays?”
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Alix Aharon about the realities behind platforms like OnlyFans and porn in the internet age.
Scottish women suffered major blow in December when the SNP government passed a bill that will allow anyone to get a gender recognition certificate through self-declaration without a diagnosis of “gender dysphoria”…
Marissa Darlingh is suing the Milwaukee Public School District after she was fired from her job as a school counselor for speaking out against gender identity ideology in schools at a rally.