Meghan Murphy speaks with Director of the International Centre on Sexual Exploitation, Haley McNamara, about exploitation on Pornhub.

Meghan Murphy speaks with Director of the International Centre on Sexual Exploitation, Haley McNamara, about exploitation on Pornhub.
Thousands of migrant women and girls are being silently smuggled into the UK for sex trafficking every year — the UK government needs to ensure its immigration laws aren’t making it harder for those women to escape their abusers.
Women in impoverished countries are exploited by Western men who publicly declare solidarity with women but behave differently in private.
The new anti-trafficking bill in the US has gotten a lot of bad press in the media, as well as from sex work lobbyists and civil liberties organizations. Meghan Murphy spoke with Marian Hatcher, a survivor turned activist, to get the real story.
Women cannot possibly be viewed human so long our humanity is determined by men’s circumstantial “civilization.”
Numerous ex-prostituted women spoke at Julie Bindel’s book launch in London, telling the raw, brutal truth about the sex industry.
Julie Bindel reveals that the “sex worker led” hashtag campaign #NotYourRescueProject was actually created by Dr. John Davies, masquerading as one of the women he pimped and trafficked.
In this episode, I speak with Ninotchka Rosca, an incredibly accomplished activist and writer from the Phillippines. She is the author of six books, including two bestselling novels — The State of…
It is concerning that two events aimed primarily at women (that purport a connection to feminism) have partnered with lobby groups promoting prostitution as an empowered choice.
The Washington Examiner is breathlessly insisting that progressive, California Democrats have legalized child prostitution. This is pure poppycock. It will remain illegal in California to sell or buy a child for sex,…
Hello old friend, it’s been awhile. Sometimes I think a day will come when I won’t need to respond to Hollywood-fueled delusions that imagine prostituted women are all rich nymphomanics driving Benzes,…
In September, NBC greenlit a sitcom called Mail Order Family. The plot would center around a widowed single father who orders a mail-order bride from the Philippines to help raise his two…
Apparently, the real victims of sex trafficking are sex buyers. According to a recent article by Elizabeth Brown at Reason, we should pity these men — unfairly vilified and pushed towards suicide…
On May 16th 2016 a 58-year-old man named John Davies stood in the dock at Southwark Crown Court in London, UK, and was sentenced to 12 years in prison for charity fraud.…