What’s Current: Lena Dunham says she’s received more hostility for supporting Clinton than she ever received from the right

Lena Dunham_Hillary Clinton

Lena Dunham says she’s received “more hostility” for backing Clinton over Sanders then she ever has received from the American right wing.

Serena Williams responds to Raymond Moore’s comments, saying that women should “get down on their knees” and thank male tennis players. Williams says:

“I feel like that is such a disservice to every female — not only a female athlete but every woman on this planet — that has ever tried to stand up for what they believed in, being proud to be a woman.”

Father poses as his daughter’s online boyfriend to get nude photos of her. Thankfully, when he’s sentenced in July, authorities say he’ll face up to 250 years in prison.

According to Scottish Women’s Aid, women are facing a stark choice between homelessness and domestic abuse.

“A woman’s body is not a disgrace”: A powerful essay by Sarah Ditum. She writes:

“[A] frequent defense of prostitution is that the women within it ‘don’t sell themselves, they sell a service’, as if that service didn’t involve the most intimate access to the body, as if our bodies were not ourselves. Or commercial surrogacy, where a fertile womb is simply a warehouse that can be leased over and over. These things are perfectly consistent with a society that treats the female body as a thing, and so too is the dull grind of obligation sex, where women dutifully make their bodies available for their partners’ satisfaction, with no expectation of their own pleasure.

It’s only possible to believe all those things are harmless if you believe there’s no one at home in the female body to be harmed. It’s a useful fiction for those who find women’s humanity an inconvenience, but it is a fiction.”

Susan Cox

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and academic living in the United States. She teaches in Philosophy.