What’s Current: ‘Go get her boys!’ Australian schoolgirls targeted by porn ring

Pakenham Secondary College in Victoria, is on the list of schools targeted.
Pakenham Secondary College in Victoria, is on the list of schools targeted.

Australian schools targeted by pornography ring led by teen boys and young men “hunting” girls for nude photos. (Despite the fact that these young men have the massive Internet porn machine at their fingertips, they specifically seek to violate these girls, as their unwillingness is central to the appeal.)

In better news, Sarah Robles wins the first U.S. weightlifting medal since 2000.

“It’s because I had my period”: Swimmer Fu Yuanhui breaks taboo on talking about menstruation in sports.

Trailer for Hidden Figures tells the untold story of NASA’s black female mathematicians.

Indian surrogate mothers talk about pain of having to hand over their babies to strangers.

Susan Cox

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and academic living in the United States. She teaches in Philosophy.