What’s Current: Police target international distribution of child pornography via WhatsApp

Europol and Interpol supported Spanish National police in a global action tackling distribution of child pornography via WhatsApp. Thirty-nine individuals in Europe, Central and South America have been arrested so far.

Runaway Saudi woman’s plea for help exposes patriarchal control by male relatives:

“Under Saudi Arabia’s conservative interpretation of Islamic law, a male guardianship system bars women from travelling abroad, obtaining a passport, marrying or even leaving prison without the consent of a male relative.”

The patriarchy portrays Mary Magdalene as a prostituted woman, minimizing her role in history by sexualizing her.

Apparently, Pennsylvania is one of many states that has only recently gotten around to making strangulation a crime.

“The ability to charge someone with strangulation in non-fatal cases is imortant, domestic violence groups say, because choking rarely happens just once and it can often predict other, future danger. ‘One study has shown the odds of becoming a homicide victim increase by 800 percent for women who had been strangled by their partner,’ the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence wrote in a recent report.”

All-male panel fails to end Maryland law that forces women to share custody with their rapists.

Wikipedia’s overwhelmingly male editorship doesn’t like to acknowledge women artists very much. One feminist organization is trying to counter that.

Susan Cox

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and academic living in the United States. She teaches in Philosophy.