What’s Current: Doug Ford calls for legislation requiring teens to get parental permission to access abortion

  • Doug Ford, leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservatives says he supports legislation that would require teen girls to seek parental permission in order to access abortion.
  • Sally Challen’s appeal of her conviction for murdering her abusive husband could change the way UK courts evaluate the totality of domestic abuse and coercive control over years.
  • Kellie-Jay Keen Minshull, a stay-at-home mom of four, has been questioned by police for hate crimes over pointing out that Susie Green, CEO of the charity Mermaids UK, took her son to Thailand to have his genitals removed for his 16th birthday, as Green herself has publicly discussed.
  • The leaders of the US Women’s March are close to Louis Farrakhan, and have refused to condemn his anti-Semitism. A Jewish woman wonders if Jewish women are at all welcome on the US feminist left.
  • Stormy Daniels, the adult film actress who allegedly had an affair with Donald Trump and was paid for her silence shortly before the 2016 election, has offered to return the money and tell everything she knows.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.