What's Current: Sexism ratings on video games, diversity at work, and rapists are feminists too!

What’s Current will be on holiday break from Dec 24th to Jan 5th. Wishing a wonderful holiday and Happy New Year to all you wonderful readers! See you in 2015!

Germany to implement a quota for women in boardrooms. From 2016, the “Frauenquote” will require 30% of supervisory board positions to be held by women. [BBC]

Cut the excuses: Diversity takes work. Companies need to put their money where their mouth is for getting more women in charge. [Nieman Lab]

Rapist who sparked Columbia University mattress project says he’s a feminist. [Gawker]

Should I have said “alleged/accused rapist” just then? I’m actually not sure how to answer that. How should journalists cover sexual assault? (If you’re already familiar with the background of the issue, you can skip to around the 6min mark of the video) [Melissa Harris Perry via The Nation]

Sweden is not considering a “sexism rating” for videogames, as was widely reported in recent news. They are implementing anti-sexist initiatives for the videogame industry. [The Guardian]

Pregnant women in America aren’t being arrested to protect their fetuses. [Feministing]

2014 was a pretty bad year for reproductive health rights in the US. But here’s 6 victories that you may have missed! [Think Progress]

ACLU challenges Virginia School Board requiring transgender students to use unisex bathrooms. [Washington Post]

Are you missing What’s Current already? Have you exhausted the Feminist Current podcast archives? Check out the Stuff Mom Never Told You podcasts. Fun and informative listening for doing all those holiday tasks like wrapping presents. Happy Holidays, folks! [Stuff Mom Never Told You]

Susan Cox An American expatriate who fled to the wonderland of Canada, Susan Cox spends most of her time writing, reading, and cooking.


Susan Cox

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and academic living in the United States. She teaches in Philosophy.