What’s Current: Manslamming, ‘microaggressions’ in universities, and Canada’s bad gender gap report card

Manslamming – On crowded city streets, men expect women to dodge out of their way. One of the many, sexist “microagressions” of urban living.

Studying racist and sexist “microagressions” in universities. Hey Muslim chick, is that a bomb in your backpack? Hahaha, have a sense of humor! (Question for the comments: How do you feel about the new “microagression” buzzword?)

Woman decides to do what all of those street-harassing men have been telling her to do, and SMILE! Results are creepy.

Chart of the Day: What happened to women in Computer Science??

Meet Intel’s female president, Renée James, behind the $300 million diversity initiative creating a pipeline for women in STEM.

Facebook won’t remove videos of rape, which they label as “controversial humor,” but they will remove videos of Tibetans protesting their oppression by the Chinese government.

Canada got a “C” on their 2014 Gender Gap Report Card. With a steady downturn during the years of Harper’s conservatism, will 2015 be a change for the better?

An American expatriate who fled to the wonderland of Canada, Susan Cox spends most of her time writing, reading, and cooking.

Got a great article you think should be included in What’s Current? Send it to Susan Cox: cox[dot]j[dot]susan[at]gmail[dot]com

Susan Cox

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and academic living in the United States. She teaches in Philosophy.