RCMP charges four men from Ontario and Nova Scotia with the rape of 14-year-old girl at a house party in Bible Hill.
Reddit’s “the red pill” is where many men go to air their most toxic views on women, says the Guardian’s Stephen Marche:
“In the hours upon hours I spent wandering this online neighbourhood, I saw mostly feral boys wandering the digital ruins of exploded masculinity, howling their misery, concocting vast nonsense about women, and craving the tiniest crumb of self-confidence and fellow-feeling.”
Glosswatch asks readers to question whether there is a “right” way to modify one’s body in order to dissociate from womanhood, and why we celebrate some forms of changing sex characteristics and condemn others.
To mark her 26th birthday, The Independent has compiled Emma Watson’s most influential quotes on feminism.
The Panama Papers are a feminist issue, says Chiara Capraro and Francesca Rhodes:
“When those at the top of the economic pyramid find ways to pay little or no tax, the impact is felt hardest by those at the bottom.”