What’s Current: 37-year-old man claims ageism after being banned from Starbucks for hitting on 16-year-old barista


Man says he’s facing discrimination due to his age after being banned from a Starbucks for hitting on 16-year-old barista. The 37-year-old man says:

“I broke no laws. I merely took a chance with my heart. I’m tired of hearing the word ‘creep’ as any black person or gay person is tired of hearing certain words. I have a whole webpage dedicated to age gap love.”

A coalition of women’s groups is calling out the Vancouver Police Department for their indifference to male violence against women in prostitution. Says Suzanne Jay:

“We’re really concerned with the fact that the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Police Department have allowed Asian-themed massage parlours to operate with, essentially, immunity. And we don’t see any investigations. We don’t see any attempts by the police to stop what we know is illegal activity.”

Megyn Kelly is leaving Fox News for NBC.

Leslie Jones accuses Simon & Schuster over Milo Yiannopoulos book deal.

Susan Cox

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and academic living in the United States. She teaches in Philosophy.