What’s Current: Statistics Canada is offering a ‘third gender’ option on its surveys

  • For the first time in its history, Statistics Canada is offering respondents a third gender option in its surveys, beyond just male and female. The Globe and Mail reports:

“In collecting data on gender, the agency’s classification structure now includes options of male, female and a new ‘gender diverse’ or non-binary category. The agency’s official definition of gender diverse includes ‘persons whose current gender was not reported exclusively as male or female … persons who were reported as being unsure of their gender, persons who were reported as both male and female, or neither male nor female.'”

  • A second trans-identified male high school student is winning girls’ track titles in Connecticut.
  • Bristol’s city council is conducting a public consultation about “sex establishments” that could result in ending licensing for strip clubs.
  • A new study in the Lancet suggests that 239,000 girls between birth and the age of five die of neglect based on sex discrimination in India.
  • Rihanna is earning new admiration for refusing to hide her stretch marks and leg hair.
  • More mothers are being incarcerated in the US, putting a huge strain on families.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.