What’s Current: Lead singer of Hedley arrested, charged with sexual assault

  • Jacob Hoggard, the lead singer of Canadian rock band, Hedley, has been charged with two counts of sexual assault causing bodily harm and one count of sexual interference. Hoggard is accused of sexually assaulting two women on separate occasions in Toronto.
  • There are 13 trans-identified candidates running for Parliament in Pakistan, while homosexuality remains illegal.
  • An Australian man has pleaded manslaughter in court after he murdered his wife of 40 years, supposedly due to emails he discovered  between his wife and a “high school sweetheart.”
  • The New South Wales Police Association has asked the Law Reform Commission to adjust consent standards for sexual crime charges, to require that willing and enthusiastic consent have been sought in order for defendants to be able to claim a belief that they had permission for intimate contact.
  • Several men tried to take an inebriated woman they didn’t know home from a Hamilton bar, by pretending to be her boyfriend.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.