What’s Current: Sex doll ‘escort service’ licensed to open in Kamloops, B.C.

  • A “escort service” has opened in Kamloops, B.C. “Bella Dolls,” a sex doll brothel, has been been operating in Vancouver since early November. 
  • The Metropolitan Police has launched a recruitment drive aimed at women, in an attempt to reach gender parity in the rank and file. As of now, 27 per cent of the Met’s forces are female.
  • In the UK, parents of a six-year-old girl who was subjected to repeated sexual assault on a school playground by male classmates have won a five-figure settlement from the local authority.
  • A man who raped a woman while she was dying of an overdose was sentenced to three years in prison.
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.