What’s Current: Women in Congo say aid workers demanded sex in exchange for Ebola vaccine

  • A national task force in the Democratic Republic of Congo has heard that frontline health workers demanded sexual favours from women in exchange for the Ebola vaccine. The Guardian reports:

“This region of DRC has a long history of sexual violence and exploitation of women and girls. Though shocking, this is an issue that could have been anticipated … Humanitarian actors should have been more prepared to put safety measures in place to prevent this from happening.”

  • Dr. Susan Bewley, a professor emeritus of obstetrics & women’s health, has written the British Medical Journal to encourage practitioners to safeguard adolescents from, “premature, permanent medicalisation,” when they present with gender dysphoria.
  • Posters for the Speak Up For Women campaign in New Zealand have been removed after a handful of complaints about what the transgender community thought of them. Campaigners for Women Speak Tasmania faced similar private shutdowns of their speech at Salamanca Market.
  • In Canada, Amy Eileen Hamm, Holly Hutton, and Meghan Murphy are planning a series on gender identity ideology and policy, following the success of “Gender Identity and Women’s Rights” in Vancouver. The next event is tentatively scheduled for May 2019. The organizers are asking for donations to support planning, venue, speaker, and security costs.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.