What’s Current: Young men are suffering from erectile dysfunction due to porn use

  • A third of young men struggle with porn-induced erectile dysfunction, finding even as teens that years of instant gratification leaves them unable to enjoy a physical relationship in real life.
  • Iranian human rights lawyer, Nasrin Sotudeh, has been sentenced to 38 years in prison and 148 lashes for defending women arrested for removing their mandatory hijab in public.
  • Jo Bartosch interviews South Korean feminist, Nayoung Kim, about the “Ditch the Corset” movement, wherein South Korean women reject traditional femininity and patriarchal industries. She explains:

“South Korea is a hub of radical feminism right now. The internet’s anonymity, expansiveness and speed greatly facilitated mass consciousness-raising for Korean women and girls.

Meanwhile, sex inequality and men’s violence against women have not ceased. Women have started a fire of feminist activism. Men keep providing fuel. So it seems this fire will keep burning.”

  • Two former police officers have been arrested in Brazil over the execution-style murder of Marielle Franco, a politician from the favelas of Rio de Janeiro who was known for opposition to police violence.
  • Team Lioness, one of Kenya’s first all-female ranger units, joins the Ogulului Community Wildlife Rangers, protecting wildlife through conservation outreach and counter-trafficking across the Amboseli region.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.