What’s Current: High-risk trans-identified males to mix with female inmates at British prison

  • Men incarcerated in a unit for trans-identified prisoners in Britain’s Downview women’s prison, including high-risk sex offenders, are being mixed with female prisoners, despite claims that the two populations would be separated.
  • British police question a citizen over “misgendering” a trans-identified person, at the behest of Mermaids, a UK charity that advises government agencies and encourages gender transition.
  • Women in Africa are 50 times likelier to die following a C-section than mothers in wealthier countries, according to a new study on maternal mortality in the Lancet.
  • A registered child sex offender was allowed to read to children at a Houston, TX, library for a Drag Queen Story Time.
  • Medical researchers discover that men and women have different biological pathways for pain and may need different medications to treat chronic pain.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.