What’s Current: UK Police fail to protect victims of rape and domestic violence

  • The Centre for Women’s Justice filed a super-complaint against police in England and Wales alleging systemic failure to respond to charges of rape, domestic violence, and stalking.
  • Gender identity activists were unable to stop Brown University from republishing a study on rapid-onset gender dysphoria in young people by Dr. Lisa Littman, who discusses the controversy over her research in a new interview with Jonathan Kay.
  • Lesbians are murdered because of their sexual orientation in Chechnya, but it isn’t discussed and women have more difficulty escaping due to chaperons.
  • This Saturday, March 23, 2019, at the Urbana Free Library in Urbana, IL, Nina Paley will be hosting the panel, “Does Sex Matter? Gender Identity vs. Material Reality,” with Carey Callahan and Corinna Cohn.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.