What’s Current: South Korea abortion ban lifted after 66 years

  • A 66 year-long criminalization of abortion in South Korea is ruled unconstitutional by the country’s Constitutional Court.
  • Over 14 former high-level soccer players accuse an elite coach of abusive and inappropriate behavior towards junior national team members. Players allege Canada Soccer and the Vancouver Whitecaps failed to protect them from abuse by permitting former head coach Bob Birarda to continue coaching girls’ teams amid, including accusations that head coach Bob Birarda made numerous allegations of unwelcome sexual advances and sexually suggestive comments to players.
  • Women in Sudan are playing a key role in recent peaceful uprisings that resulted in toppling the country’s regime.
  • Trans activists in the film industry are lobbying for media database IMDb to stop publishing birth names of trans-identified talents. IMDb responds, saying the site is committed to providing users with “comprehensive and accurate biographical information.”
  • Ohio’s governor signs the “heartbeat bill” into law, outlawing abortion after a fetal heartbeat is first detected.
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.