What’s Current: Female-only gym sessions open to ‘cross-dressing males’ in Glasgow

  • Glasgow’s sport and leisure council announces that cross-dressing men must be allowed to use women’s changing rooms and participate in women-only sports. Staff are directed to report any concerns as hate crimes.
  • Over 100 Canadian women in a class-action lawsuit say that coercive sterilization was performed on Aboriginal women by doctors in Saskatchewan as recently as 2018.
  • Competing tax proposals in upcoming Australian general election leave mothers paying as much as 90 per cent of their wages for childcare while on the job.
  • The female athlete triad syndrome — low energy, low bone density, and loss of menstrual cycle — sidelines girls’ and young women’s athletic careers when doctors and coaches miss the signs.
  • Eight days before Yasnai Moliner-Yera and her twin brothers were murdered by the father of her two-year-old son, the Palm Beach mother sought a restraining order. The court refused to issue the order, claiming she was in no danger.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.