What’s Current: Epidemic of male violence in El Salvador drives women to seek asylum in the US

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  • The epidemic of male violence and femicide in El Salvador is driving women to seek asylum in the US. Time reports:

“In the Central American country of just six million people, one woman was the victim of a femicide — a man murdering of a woman or girl because of her gender — every 24 hours in 2018. That’s one of the worst rates of femicide in the world, according to the United Nations.”

  • Gregor Murray, a city councillor from Dundee, Scotland, has been suspended for two months over abusive comments made to members of the public, including using the slur, “TERF.”
  • A trans-identified male was caught on video attacking a teenage girl with a hammer in a KFC parking lot in Liverpool.
  • Video of Kelowna RCMP officers interviewing an Indigenous teen girl after she reported a sexual assault reveal the officers asking her questions such as, “Were you at all turned on during this at all? Even a little bit?”
  • In response to the growing #MeToo movement in India, men’s rights activists are organizing under a group called Save Indian Family to complain about men getting, “lynched socially.”
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.