What’s Current: 22 women sue porn company for fraud and coercion

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  • Twenty-two women are suing the porn production company Girls Do Porn for fraud, coercion, and misrepresentation. The lawsuit claims the women did not agree to the mass distribution of their video content online and were deliberately misled. 
  • The Home Office will rewrite guidelines for Nigerian women trafficked to the UK after facing backlash for claiming that victims could return to Nigeria “wealthy from prostitution” and “held in high regard.” 
  • A 23-year-old astrophysics student who has lived half her life in the UK will be deported to Pakistan, where she faces forced marriage to her cousin or death for disobeying. According to The Independent, her bid for asylum was denied in February and she is awaiting the outcome of an appeal.
  • Only two female world leaders spoke at the G20 Special Event on Women’s Empowerment in Osaka, Japan, on Saturday.
Genevieve Gluck

Genevieve Gluck is a writer and advocate for women's sex-based rights and creator of Women's Voices, an audio library dedicated to bringing awareness to feminist texts and speeches.