What’s Current: South Asian women are being trafficked into Kenya’s dance bars

  • An increasing number of South Asian women and girls are being trafficked into Kenya’s adult entertainment industry to work in bars under the guise of better employment. Al Jazeera reports:

“Police and anti-trafficking groups have repeatedly voiced concerns that some of these private clubs are used as a front to ensnare women and girls, some in sex slavery, with women forced to pay off loans by erotic dancing or having sex with clients.”

  • Brazilian prosecutors announce they are dropping a rape case involving soccer star Neymar, who was accused of raping a model in a Paris hotel room.
  • Germany’s first openly transgender politician calls for an end to the country’s “transsexual law,” which requires trans-identified individuals to speak with a judge and psychologist in order to change their first name and legal sex.
  • A report reveals that Michael Lane, who stalked and killed Shana Grice, was arrested in 2010 over claims that he groomed a 14-year-old girl.
  • Figures show a 73 per cent increase in the number of knife possession cases among women and girls in England without law enforcement considering the conditions of violence and sexual exploitation leading women to seek protection.
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.