What’s Current: Woman forced to give birth alone in Denver jail cell sues city authorities

  • A woman who was forced to give birth alone in her Denver jail cell is suing city authorities, claiming nurses and deputies ignored her pleas for help during nearly five hours of labour.
  • Two former NYPD detectives who raped a young woman in their custody receive only five years probation and will serve no prison time.
  • Gynecologist and author Dr. Jennifer Gunter criticizes Twitter for censorship after her publisher was unable to use the word “vagina” in advertisements for her new book, The Vagina Bible
  • A French district council is fined €90,000 for appointing too many women to senior management positions in breach of public-sector gender parity laws.
  • Two Ottawa women bring awareness to catcalling by using sidewalk chalk to document where incidents of street harassment occurred, writing the very words used against them.
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.