What’s Current: Mexicans march to demand justice for violence against women

  • Hundreds of Mexicans marched silently in Mexico City on Sunday to draw attention to the frequent rapes, murders, and disappearances of women.
  • In the Vancouver Sun, Cleta Brown writes that the gender identity movement should stop “demonizing and silencing people.”
  • A 51-year-old woman incarcerated in Florida was beaten by guards and left paralyzed after saying she couldn’t clean a toilet because of a hip condition. Former inmates of the Lowell Correctional Institute are protesting the inhumane conditions they suffered.
  • Jeanne Socrates, a 77-year-old woman from Lymington, Hampshire, has become the oldest person to sail around the world alone, non-stop, unassisted.
  • The BBC reports that European nations are getting a “wake-up call” to the epidemic of femicide, with several countries launching anti-femicide campaigns. Viviana Waisman, from Women’s Link Worldwide, stated:

“Violence against women is an issue that transcends borders, class and socio-economic status. It impacts women and girls in all societies. There may be more or less stigma about talking about it in certain societies but it is present in all societies.”

Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.