What’s Current: Hillary Clinton under fire after saying trans ideology poses ‘legitimate concern’ for women

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  • Hillary Clinton is under fire after saying that transgender ideology and self-identification pose a “legitimate concern” for women on a BBC Radio interview.
  • The BC Human Rights Tribunal will uphold its October 22 ruling against Jessica Yaniv’s claim female estheticians “discriminated” against him by refusing to provide a “Brazilian bikini wax.”. The decision follows an appeal by Yaniv on the grounds of alleged bias, unfairness, and factual errors.
  • Tax expert Maya Forstater is taking her employer to court after she was fired for tweeting that it is a “biological fact” that men cannot become women.
  • The Paris premiere of Roman Polanski’s latest film was cancelled after demonstrators staged a protest amid new rape accusations against the director..
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.