What’s Current: Jury finds New Zealand man guilty of murdering Grace Millane

  • A New Zealand man is found guilty of murdering British backpacker Grace Millane, whom he claimed died accidentally died in “sex gone wrong.” The 27-year-old, revealed to be Jesse Kempson, strangled Millane to death after a Tinder date. The Guardian reports:

“The defence counsel argued that Millane, from Essex, died accidentally in a “tragic” event that resulted from a toxic combination of alcohol, inexperience with BDSM practices and sexual passion going too far.” .

  • Mexico City mayor Claudia Sheinbaum has issued a Violence Against Women Alert in Mexico’s capital in response to the recent increase in femicide, sex crimes, abuse, and  male violence against women in the city.
  • An all-male panel at the Halifax International Security Forum on the critical role women play in global security is under fire for not featuring a single female speaker.
  • Domestic abuse survivors in Finland say the country’s gender-neutral policies do not help women who are “more frequently and more severely impacted” by domestic violence. Vice president of the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence Iris Luarasi tells Euro News:

“Many measures are framed in a gender-neutral way, and in many instances this does not allow the specific experiences of women to become visible and it does not really allow their needs to be addressed.”

  • A hospital in Milan is displaying the X-rays of women attacked by men to highlight the “daily horror” of violence against women. The San Carlo Hospital launched the exhibit to coincide with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on Monday.
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.