What’s Current: Women form flash mob to protest outside Harvey Weinstein rape trial in New York

  • Women gathered outside the New York City courthouse where Harvey Weinstein is standing trial for rape to protest sexual assault using a song and dance inspired by Chilean feminists.
  • A British woman who claims she was raped while on vacation in Cyprus tells BBC News Scottish police “discouraged” her from pursuing legal action.
  • Women now hold more jobs in the US than men for the first time since 2010, with females representing 50.4 per cent of positions held, Labor Department data reveals.
  • Human Rights Watch reports that funding for Brazilian government projects to protect women has dried up since President Jair Bolsnaro took office in January 2019. 
  • Lawmakers in six US states are working to pass the “Gender is Real Legislative (GIRL) Act,” a law that would require trans-identified student athletes to compete based on their biological sex rather than gender identity. 
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.