What’s Current: Women’s rights campaigners call for ban on ‘rough sex’ defense following Grace Millane trial

  • We Can’t Consent To This campaigners say men accused of murder should be banned from using “rough sex” as a legal defense in the wake of the life imprisonment of Grace Millane’s killer.
  • Queensland police knew that Rowan Baxter, an ex-rugby player who doused his wife and three children with petrol and set them ablaze, had a history of domestic violence. A detective investigating the murder has been taken off the case for suggesting that Baxter was “driven too far by issues he’s suffered.” 
  • The US women’s soccer team demands over $66 million in damages as part of their sex discrimination lawsuit against the US Soccer Federation.
  • Indian women say they were forced to undergo gynecological exams to prove their fitness for work.
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.