What’s Current: NHS gender clinic staff ‘shut down’ over concerns that children are pressured to transition too quickly

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  • Transcripts obtained by BBC Newsnight reveal staff at England’s only NHS child gender clinic were discouraged from raising concerns that children are put onto transitioning pathways too quickly. The transcripts list possible sexual abuse, trauma, and homophobic family members as concerning factors that pressure children to start puberty blockers. 
  • Reuters reports French activists are combatting a sharp rise in revenge porn by mounting “virtual raids” on social media platforms where abusive material is shared.
  • Chilean police are suing prominent feminist group Las Tesis for allegedly inciting violence against officers during a peaceful demonstration.
  • A Vice Motherboard investigation has uncovered an underground trade of subscriber-only OnlyFans content that is downloaded and distributed without permission.
  • A University of Sussex study warns that the COVID-19 pandemic could derail women’s careers, as research shows 72 per cent of UK mothers described themselves as the “default” parent for all or most of lockdown.
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.