What’s Current: Jessica Yaniv files second lawsuit against beauticians after losing human rights suit to them in 2019

  • Jessica Yaniv files a civil suit against three female beauticians for nearly $12,000, almost one year after a human rights tribunal ruled against his discrimination complaints against the same woman.
  • Leading Canadian sex researcher James Cantor resigns from an international research organization after being blasted by colleagues for questioning transgender ideology.
  • Egypt’s public prosecution is seeking the arrest of nine men accused of gang raping a woman in 2014. Seven of the suspects have reportedly fled the country amid Egypt’s growing Assault Police social media campaign.
  • A new report finds Australian women in their late teens are more likely to be victims of sexual assault, while men of the same age group are more likely to be perpetrators.
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.