What’s Current: Afghan government approves proposal to include mothers’ names on national IDs

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  • After campaigning for years to be allowed to use their name in public, Afghan women were finally awarded a small victory: Afghan citizens will soon have their mothers’ names printed along with their fathers’ on national identification.
  • A new report from UN Women states that women may bear the brunt of the economic decline brought on by the pandemic for as long as a decade.
  • Domestic violence in Ireland has reached its highest levels since record-keeping began. According to police data, an average of 88 incidents are reported every day.
  • Research from a heart failure charity revealed women wait up to five times longer than men for a heart failure diagnosis and are 96 per cent more likely to receive an incorrect diagnosis.
  • The number of rape cases reported to police in the Netherlands has increased sharply in recent years, even as the number of convictions for rape has decreased by more then 10 per cent.
Genevieve Gluck

Genevieve Gluck is a writer and advocate for women's sex-based rights and creator of Women's Voices, an audio library dedicated to bringing awareness to feminist texts and speeches.