What’s Current: Australian journalist ordered to pay $10,000 fine for ‘misgendering’

Beth Rep
  • Beth Rep has been ordered to pay a $10,000 fine after “liking” comments on her Facebook page which referred to a transgender activist as a “male bully.”
  • A UK club that bars women from admission is facing a legal challenge on the basis of discrimination under the Equality Act.
  • Four young boys, aged 10-13, are accused of the gang rape of a four-year-old girl in South Africa.
  • A New York-based gynecologist charged with sexual assault of patients, some of them minors, will face federal charges. Robert Hadden had previously cut a deal with prosecutors in 2016 which allowed him to avoid a prison sentence.
Genevieve Gluck

Genevieve Gluck is a writer and advocate for women's sex-based rights and creator of Women's Voices, an audio library dedicated to bringing awareness to feminist texts and speeches.