What’s Current: Stop Female Genital Mutilation Act passed by the Senate with unanimous vote

Image: Aurora Samperio/NurPhoto/ Getty Images
  • Following a unanimous Senate vote, both chambers of the US Congress have passed a ban on female genital mutilation, and sent it to the president to be signed into law.
  • A University of California San Francisco study indicates that roughly seven per cent of women in the United States have attempted an abortion on their own.
  • Denmark’s parliament has approved a change to the nation’s rape laws to include sexual intercourse without consent, which would mean prosecutors would no longer have to prove that a perpetrator had used violence or threats in order to secure a conviction.
  • The Irish parliament has approved criminal sanctions against online sexual harassment that could include up to 10 years in jail and unlimited fines.
  • Former content moderators at PornHub reveal that part of their job was “to find weird excuses not to remove” reported content.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.