What’s Current: Women protest in Kitchener demanding removal of male inmates from women’s prisons

  • Dozens of women gathered at the Grand Valley Institution for Women to demand the removal of male inmates from women’s prisons in Canada.
  • Thousands protest Turkey’s decision to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention, an international treaty that requires governments to adopt legislation that combats and prevents violence against women.
  • World-renowned Egyptian author and leading feminist Nawal El Saadawi dies at age 89. With more that 55 books to her name, El Saadawi championed discussions on gender equality in conservative religious societies.
  • The National University of Ireland’s student union will vote on a motion which seeks to deplatform 16 groups claimed to have “unacceptable” views, including the Irish Women’s Lobby and LGB Alliance Ireland.
  • Al Jazeera reports organizers and participants in women’s rights marches in Pakistan are facing a “sustained campaign of misinformation” from certain media and right-wing groups, facing “vulgarity” and “obscenity” accusations for demanding equal rights.
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.