What’s Current: Female athletes told to ‘be quiet’ about Laurel Hubbard, set to be first male athlete to compete against women at Olympics

  • Former Olympic weightlifter Tracey Lambrechs says women are being told to “be quiet” about New Zealand weightlifter Laurel Hubbard, who is on track to become the first trans-identified male athlete to compete against females at the Olympics.
  • Nonconsensual online sharing of intimate images is more commonly being used by men as a form of coercive control against women in relationships.
  • In the ongoing inquiry into the UK’s ‘spy cops’ abuses, it was revealed that the undercover police officers, who formed deceitful relationships with women in protest groups they were surveilling, were also known by their colleagues to joke and share intimate details about the women they were abusing.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.