What’s Current: Outrage in Mexico after activist burned alive in act of femicide

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  • Mexican activist and mother Luz Raquel Padilla is killed after being set on fire while under police protection, igniting protests and calls for justice for Padilla and her disabled son.
  • England’s Rugby Football Union votes to ban trans-identified males from competing in female contact rugby matches due to safety and fairness concerns, warning of greater risk of injuries if males are accepted into women’s rugby.
  • Women across Chile are rallying against the criminalization of female survivors of domestic abuse under the “Yo Tambien Me Defendería” grassroots campaign, which translates to “I’d Defend Myself, Too.”
  • The Tour de France Femmes begins July 24, the first time in 33 years there will be an official women’s stage race in the Tour de France.
  • An online YouGov survey finds less than half of respondents support a German draft proposal that would allow trans-identified adults to change their legal name and sex through simple self-declaration, and children age 14 and over with parental consent.
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.